Importance of Digital Marketing:-
Today, no marketing strategy is complete if it does not incorporate digital strategy
and expression.
Digital is not just a set of marketing channels – it’s a different way of thinking about
how people engage with media, each other and the world around them. Digital
enables you to segment your audience and customise messages in a valuable and
measurable way. The availability of information, our inherent desire to contribute,
and user-friendly technology have rewritten the rules of engagement. People
are not passive consumers; they are empowered as publishers, editors and
commentators. The conversation is multi-directional and usually not started or
controlled by brands.
Understanding digital marketing:-
The aim of any type of marketing is to keep customers and stimulate
sales in the future. Digital communication tools make it possible to connect and
build long-term relationships with customers.
Digital marketing helps to create consumer demand by using the power of the
interconnected, interactive web.
Digital marketing is powerful in two fundamental ways:-
1.The audience can be
segmented very precisely – even down to factors like current location and recent
brand interactions – which means that messages can be personalized
and tailored specially for them.
2.The digital sphere is almost completely measurable – every minute and
every click by a customer can be accounted for.
In digital marketing you can see exactly how
various campaigns are performing, which channels bring the most benefit, and
where your efforts are best focused.
1. Crowdsourcing:-
Crowdsourcing is a powerful example of the way digital tools have enabled
certain ways of thinking. In simple terms, crowdsourcing is a distributed
problem-solving and production model that relies on an active community
to find solutions to problems. Crowdsourcing relies heavily on the tools and
communication forms made possible by the Internet.
By listening to the crowd and asking for their contributions, organisations
can gain first-hand insight into their customers’ needs and desires, and build
products and services that meet those needs and desires. With an earned
sense of ownership, communities may feel a brand-building kinship with the
community through collaboration and contribution.
Crowdsourcing demonstrates the power of the Internet – it
connects people, builds communities, spreads messages, and taps into a global
source of ideas and inspiration.
2. Digital audiences:-
Both the media landscape and people’s media habits have changed. There are
many fragmented and highly specific niche communities at play across multiple
digital media channels.
At the same time, people’s attention is fragmented by the many new media
channels and tools available – on top of traditional media, we now have social
networks, emails, web tools, mobile devices and more splitting our attention.
With so many choices and too little time, audiences have become very skilled at
ignoring marketing messages.
The key to succeeding is two-fold: ideas must be remarkable, and you must find a
niche group who are obsessed with your product and willing to devote their scant
attention to it.
These days, people themselves are
media channels. After all, most of us create, share, comment on and link to content
that we find interesting – or that we think will interest our friends and followers.
These personalized digital broadcasts are intercepted by people who are interested
in what we are saying and have chosen to listen to us.
This exchange of ideas comes down to creating communities and nurturing
relationships. Digital helps us to understand these relationships better.
3. Segmenting and customizing messages:-
All of these ideas about niche communities, influential media personalities and
fragmented attention spans tie in to the ability to segment online audiences and
customise messages.
Segmentation is the process of taking a single, general audience and dividing
it up according to specific groupings or characteristics. Once this is done, each
group can be targeted differently depending on their needs from the brand.
Digital offers a wealth of user information, the ability to target users based on
these factors, and the availability of technology for creating and managing large
databases. In digital marketing segmentation, customers can be reached across
a wide range of communication channels depending on their preferences and
Once an audience segment has been created, the message sent to it can also
be customised (often automatically) thanks to the availability of the necessary
information and digital tools. This can be as small as adding the customer’s name
to an email greeting, or as significant as tailoring an entire page of content to their
buying history, connections and brand interactions.
For example, Amazon provides
product recommendations to users based on the items that they have bought as
well as similar products purchased by others.
4. Measurability:-
technology on which digital is built, almost every action on the web can be tracked,
captured, measured and analysed.
Web analytics – the discipline of tracking, analysing and drawing insight from
online data – can also go a step further to helping a marketer understand the
audience’s intent. While the data merely answers what people are doing, looking
at this in conjunction with other insights can help you understand why they are
doing it as well.
Measurability in digital is not just about understanding the technology, although
that is a necessary first step. It’s about understanding how people and technology
intersect – with the ultimate goal of using this information to craft the most
effective and relevant marketing messages.
5.The TCEO model:-
There are many models for approaching digital marketing but we have found it
most effective to group it into four interrelated disciplines: Think, Create, Engage
and Optimise. This grouping creates a process that will result in the optimal use
of digital tactics.
THINK is the starting point in our approach. It is tasked with developing strategic
plans for the digital world. Like traditional communications planning, it includes
topics such as consumer insights, research, concept development, budget
allocation and channel planning.
CREATE brings concepts to life by executing campaigns and shaping platforms.
It covers all aspects of creating web assets, from web design and development to
conceptual copywriting, the creation of social media assets, mobile development,
engineering business systems and social media integration.
ENGAGE is responsible for driving traffic and building relationships. Media buying
and planning, search engine optimisation, email marketing, social media and
campaign management are some of the key activities here.
OPTIMISE is about continuous improvement. It delivers insight and lessons
through analytics, data mining, conversion optimisation and testing. Optimise is
relevant at each stage of the process.
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